Avoiding Unhealthy Habits

Unhealthy Habits

There are many unhealthy habits that have become a part of lives and some we follow without even knowing that have can have a harmful effect on our bodies.
Here are some unhealthy habits you may or may not follow on a daily basis:
-Intake of drugs.
-Not getting enough hours (7-8 hours) of sleep, daily.
-Consuming excessive amount of alcohol.
-Not drinking enough water.
-Not exercising.
-Skipping meals.

Here's how you can avoid some of these unhealthy habits.

Instead of staying up late on your phone try making it a habit to go to sleep early. Limit temptations of using your phone late at night by leaving your phone somewhere far away from your bed, maybe even in a different room.

On average each person should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water. Trying setting goals of drinking one glass of water, maybe every 2 hours or so. There are apps that you can download that can remind you and even help you track the amount of water you've had.

Having at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day is recommended.

Simple everyday exercises you can do:
-Riding a bike
-Playing sports

Skipping a few meals may not seem like a very big deal, however, it can take a toll on our bodies. Some think that skipping meals will help them lose weight but there's more to that than just losing weight. Skipping important meals, such a breakfast can leave us lacking in nutrients that we need in order to have enough strength to go about the rest of our day.